Super Study Tips For A Super Mind

Mid Year Exams Are Looming... so this might be a great time to revise your study methods and habits - follow these great tips below - with much credit to ( - you'll be sure to kick-start your term two.


Step #1: Make a study schedule (and stick to it)
  • This is the easiest thing to forget about and probably the worst thing to forget about, making and sticking to your study schedule is the best thing you can do for your results as spacing out your studying can reduce the anxiety that inevitably comes with cramming. Long term retention is also increased by scheduling your studies with moderate breaks in between.
  • A great way to create this schedule (I found on is to create a list of subjects that you need to prepare for, then create a second list with everything you need to do for each subject and compare your previous assignment results for each subject with one another- start with the lowest assignment result first. {e.g. If I am studying English, History and Economics and my last results were 50%, 60%, 70% I would start with English 50%}. 
  • Prioritize each subject according to grades received and exam date (needless to say this needs to be done well in advance).
Step #2: Understand that Learning Differs from Person to Person
  • Know that what works for one person might not work for you, many of my friends in high school were able to study using summaries, I however was not able to and ended up figuring out the use of mind maps which is how I used to study - do some research on different learning styles and find what works for you.
  • Psychology of Learning may shed some light on this topic - Contact Me for any help you may need in determining your best learning style!
Step #3: Gather Previous Tests and Exams
Step #4: Breathe and Stay Calm
  •  Remember that your health is always more important than your results, so find some time to relax, possibly meditate or get active and go for a jog - whatever helps you unwind.
Step #5: Know What you are Giving Up When you Cram!
  • Make sure you understand how much time is needed to properly prepare for your exams and make sure to stick to this so that you don't need to spend the night before the exam cramming and losing out on much needed sleep. 

What to eat?

Healthy snacks are always hard to come by when you're relaxing at home getting ready for a study session, it's just easier to grab a pack of chips or snack on some sweets.So you thought! Here are 5 easy snacks that you could whip up from the things in your fridge or pantry! If these aren't things you generally keep, maybe add them to your grocery list next time you're headed to the shops.
  1. Air Popped Popcorn
    • Believe it or not, popcorn is a healthier alternative to chips and making it in the microwave is just so much easier - The salt doesn't stick to the air popped popcorn but I still like it either way ;-)
  2. Ants on a log 
    • Celery sticks smeared with some smooth peanut butter dotted with raisins, this is a healthy snack  ideal for after breakfast!
  3. Apple Slices & Peanut Butter
    • Spread some peanut butter on some apple slices and you'll have a great protein packed snack to keep you going through the study blues.
  4. Mixed nuts 
    • Nuts are a great brain food and are really good for you . Nuts will leave you feeling fuller which means no getting up half an hour later to raid the fridge.
  5. Avos
    • Whether you slice them up sprinkle with salt and pepper and eat as is or smush them up and make some guacamole to pair with cut up pieces of fresh veggies (Sticks of raw carrots, peppers, cucumber pieces etc), avos are healthy and packed with all the good fats ;-). 


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