Why, When and How to Choose A Tutor
When people think of tutors they think of high school students or university students tutoring each other french or something else on an American film - you never think you might have to hire one for your kids and so when your little one starts struggling at school, it's not many people's first choice to start hiring tutors. In this article I will advise you when its the best time to start thinking of a tutor, if your child really does need tutoring and what tutor you should choose (even if it's not me). As soon as you see grades slipping or see that your child might not be coping at school, then it's the best time for a tutor - delaying this could cause them to unnecessarily fall behind in school curriculum or cause a possible drop in confidence levels essential to school. There are many differing signs that your child may need a tutor, falling marks, frustration and agitation with school or even a lack of enthusiasm. Students tend to lose interest when they a...